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Knowit Experience

Fast loading site with headless architecture


Office spaces and services


Service design

User personas


Technical architecture planning

Technical implementation and integrations

Continuous development and maintenance

Technopolis has recognised a need to raise the bar as the way of working and customers’ growing demands for digital services have evolved. The shared workspace expert Technopolis completed a total overhaul of their website and moved to a modern headless Jamstack architecture. By doing so, Technopolis decreased loading times drastically, increased information security and scalability, and made future website development more accessible.

See the website here

A building with the Technopolis logo on the roof.
Screenshot of the Technopolis website with an image of five people, looking at each other and smiling.
A screenshot of the Technopolis website on workspaces.
A photo of a bright, white hallway. The camera is facing up towards a couple talking on a stairway a few levels up.

Technopolis' website was last renewed in 2015 and no longer served their business or maintenance requirements. The company had grown and expanded its offerings and operations to new markets. The technological possibilities and end-users requirements have also since developed significantly. Also, the technical environment needed to be updated. The time was right to renew the online service not only to meet the requirements of today but to create opportunities for the development of tomorrow.

18 panels showing screenshots of Technopolis's website infrastructure.
A photo of a park in sunlight. The grass is green, the trees are flourishing. People are sitting on the grass in small groups, conversing.
A grand, open room with tables and chairs. The walls are made of glass, the ceiling is high and vaulted. The chairs and tables are a soft brown.

Our delivery included the website concept planning and related workshops, user experience and layout designs, and technical implementation with a React-based front layer and WordPress CMS in the background. We also developed cooperation models, which ensured fast responsiveness in support and continuous development. The project was carried out remotely, using both digital design and communication platforms effectively. The site is maintained by Knowit Experience and further development is continuously planned during monthly meetings.

A screenshot of the Technopolis front page.
A photo showing an open sitting room with high ceilings, long, black tables and red bar chairs. The back wall is green with a white and black artistic drawing of a tree.

The most critical business goal for the website is sales lead generation. The amount of sales leads generated through the website has been increasing steadily after the launch but especially during 2022 when Technopolis got 45% more leads through the website.

Relative growth of sales leads through the website:

2019 to 2020


2020 to 2021


2021 to 2022


Three phones showing different areas of the Technopolis website
A photo showing two colleagues talking in an office space. They are standing facing each other