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Knowit Experience

The airportal


Air traffic


Concept development

Art direction


Avinor is responsible for 43 Norwegian airports with various communication needs. The infrastructure is financed by a model where profits from the most prominent airports cover the costs of the smaller ones, providing all Norwegians with a reasonable opportunity to travel by air. We have helped by making retail concepts and campaigns that increased airport revenue.


A message for the summer

During the summer, many travellers visited Avinor’s airports full of expectations. On their way to new adventures, they receive a message that many people can recognize – «The holiday starts at the airport”.

The campaign opened a universe for us to remind people about all the products and services they can buy and enjoy before leaving the airport for new adventures.


A target group on the fly

Parts of the campaign were displayed during the traveller’s way to the airport. As outdoor boards on the train stations and on the airport express train. But also films in different lengths and formats for social media.


Ready for checkout

We also made elements close to the point of purchase with a more tactical call to action.


And Then it was Christmas

During Christmas, many Norwegian also travel a lot. Going home to their loved ones or going abroad to celebrate the festive season. This time we used the same message, "The holiday starts at the airport", but paired it with typical and traditional Christmas settings.